Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pharmacognosy-III Descriptive Type Questions (Topicwise)


Descriptive Question Bank

Alkaloids and Biosynthesis




1.      Discuss Opium with respect to collection, preparation, chemical constituents, uses and different types.

2.      Diagrammatically represent life cycle of Ergot and outline biosynthesis of Lysergic acid.

3.      Write biological source, chemical constituents with structure of constituent responsible for the activity of crude drugs containing tropane nucleus. Write chemical test used to detect Tropane nucleus.

4.      Outline the general method of extraction of alkaloids write the principal involved at every step. Give biological sources of any two amino alkaloids.


Easy and Moderate


1.      Give an account of any two drugs containing Purine alkaloids.

2.      Write a short note on any two drugs containing Pyridine-Piperidine.

3.      Discuss morphology, microscopy & chemical constituents of a drug used as antihypertensive.

4.      Discuss collection, chemical constituents, uses, source & chemical test of a crude drug used as antimalarial.

5.      Define the following with suitable examples

·         True alkaloids

·         Pseudoalkaloids

·         Proto alkaloids

·         Glycoalkaloid

6.      Give a detailed account of isolation of piperine.

7.      Kurchi is a recurved bark-Justify on basis of morphology & microscopy of the bark.


Standardization of herbal drugs using various marker compounds




1.      Discuss, with suitable examples, various chromatographic techniques used for  the standardization of crude drugs.


Easy and Moderate


1.      Discuss stability testing of herbal medicines with suitable examples.

2.      Enumerate with suitable examples different kind of marker compounds & their role in standardization.

3.      Discuss challenges involved in standardization of crude drugs.

4.      What are factors affecting stability of herbal products? Why is stability testing of herbal drugs important?


Steroidal and Triterpenoidal Glycosides


1.       Give biological source, chemistry and commercial applications of Dioscorea

2.      Give biological source, cultivation, chemistry and any two marketed formulations of a cardenolide.

3.      Write an account of extraction, identification and analysis of any one constituent of liquorice.

4.      Classify cardiac glycoside with suitable examples. Write a note on cultivation, collection and uses of Squill.

5.      Diosgenin is commercially important phytoconstituent; justify.

6.      Give biological source and chemistry of

a.       A drug used as brain tonic in Indian traditional medicine

b.      A pentacyclic triterpenoid drug used as expectorant and demulcent.

7.      Discuss chemistry and therapeutic uses of (Give chemical structure of two phytoconstituents of each drug)

a.       Ginseng

b.      Asparagus

Detailed study of Flavonoids and Coumarins

1.      Classify flavonoids (Draw the chemical skeleton of each subclass). Write a note on biopotential of orange peel.

2.      Write source and chemistry of

a.       A drug used in vitiligo

b.      A phenylpropanoid used as anticancer

3.      Write a note on Soyabean and Rutin

Regulatory Issues - ASU formulations, patent and proprietary medicine and Phytopharmaceuticals

1.      Differentiate between patent and proprietary medicines. Write a note on ASU regulations.

2.      Write a note on schedule T & Y.

3.      What are phytopharmaceuticals? Write a note on regulations of phytopharmaceuticals.


Study of herbal formulations & Ayurvedic formulations

1.      Discuss a novel herbal formulation with suitable example.

2.      With two suitable examples explain the detoxification of ayurvedic drugs.

3.      With two suitable examples explain the detoxification of ayurvedic drugs.

4.      Give an account of regulatory issues for ASU formulations.

5.      Give an account of liquid oral ayurvedic formulations.




Easy and Moderate

1.      What are glycoproteins? Give its applications. Discuss pea with respect to glycoproteins present in it.


1.      Give an account on Castor as a glycoprotein.




Easy and Moderate

1.                  Discuss in detail pharmacognosy of Senna.

2.                  Write a short note on – Isothiocyanate glycosides.

3.                  Write a short note on – Cyanogenetic glycosides.

4.                  Give a detailed account on -Aloe.


1.      Explain the method of isolation of Aloe emodin. Enumerate the biosynthesis of amygdaline.

Interactions with DONO


Easy and Moderate

1.      Explain in brief characterization of Citral using spectroscopic techniques.

2.      Write a short note on -Spectroscopic characterization of Gallic acid.

Monograph of herbal drugs & excipients in Indian Pharmacopoeia

Easy and Moderate

1.      Discuss the representative monograph of any one herbal drug as per Indian Pharmacopoeia.

2.      Discuss the representative monograph of any one herbal excipient as per Indian Pharmacopoeia.



1.      Compare the herbal drug monograph of any two Pharmacopoeia.

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